small but
Our kitchenette/mini kitchen is a compact and smart solution for the small kitchen, guest house, office or any other place where you want
a small but complete kitchen solution. The mini kitchen has wooden frames with raw sawn veneer on doors and outside. Inside the kitchen there is smooth oak. Bench in stainless steel with sink and tap, LED lighting above bench.
The appliances in our kitchen; fridge, microwave and stovetop, are from SMEG. Our handles are made of cast iron and hand-grinded, so they
fit nicely to the rough-cut wood surface.
The mini kitchen can also be combined with our other cabinets/modules/wardrobes to create a uniform interior in the small space.

Bredd – 1250 mm
Höjd – 2320 mm
Djup – 600 mm
Bänkhöjd – ca 920 mm
Levereras i delar, viss montering krävs. Anvisning medföljer.
Frakt ingår till fastlandsadress.
Du kan beställa vårt Kitchenette med eller
utan vitvarupaket från SMEG.
Vårt kompletta Kitchenette
med vitvarorna från SMEG.
Pris: 150.000 kr
Vårt Kitchenette utan vitvaror.
Pris: 125.515 kr

Mikrovågsugn, 60 cm. Rostfritt stål. Ugnsvolym: 23 liter.

Integrerat kylskåp med frysfack. Nettovolym:
kyl 100 liter, frys 17 liter.
Induktionshäll, 30 cm, med fasettslipad kant. Svart glaskeramik. Touch kontroll.

Köksblandare, Nivito. Rostfritt stål.

Rostfri ho, Astris 230, Purus.